Mitigating Environmental Threats to Health

Environment Health
Scientists in the School of Public Health investigate the complex connections between our environment and our health. They have shown that inaction on climate change could lead to tens of thousands of additional heat-related deaths annually within just a few generations. Environmental pollutants, including toxic chemicals, heavy metals, air pollution, and noise, also pose threats to the health and well-being of infants, children, adults, and older adults.


As the world around us changes, researchers in the School develop strategies to protect human health from these growing threats, and urge policy action to mitigate the negative health impacts of climate change and environmental toxins. Your support emboldens scholarly research and strengthens robust training.


Expand Expertise

Invest in new faculty to grow the School’s environmental research profile and to expand mentorship, training, and educational opportunities for students.

Leverage Interdisciplinary Education

Establish new interdisciplinary training opportunities for undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral trainees with expanded student scholarships and internships.

Collaborate Across the University

Target investments in the School of Public Health to grow and enhance collaboration within the School as well as with the School of Engineering; the Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences; the Warren Alpert Medical School; the Institute at Brown for Environment and Society; the Watson Institute; and the Population Studies and Training Center.

Build Upon International Collaborations

Enhance international collaborations to examine new lines of inquiry into the effects of climate change and environmental pollutants in China, Mexico, and other regions.

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