A Healthy Start

Child Health
Revolutionary discoveries in public health have shown that childhood sets the stage for later health or disease. The range of influences includes maternal health, environmental exposures, socioeconomic status, nutrition, stress, infection, and other critical health concerns. While we know the factors that influence the health of children, there is still much to discover about effective intervention and prevention strategies to reduce childhood risks.


The approach to child health research at Brown is strongly interdisciplinary, involving all of the School’s academic departments, many of its research centers, and a wide array of community partners. This approach uniquely positions the School to examine the early origins of health and illness from a variety of perspectives. With support, the School would be positioned to strengthen its educational offerings in this area and to engage the broad range of faculty expertise to identify and test interventions to optimize child health and development.


Employ Cutting-Edge Technology

Identify and deploy cutting-edge technology solutions to assess risk exposures and provide tailored interventions; use smartphones, geographic information systems, and wearable technology to gather data on children’s diets, activities, neighborhoods, and pollutant exposures.

Develop New Curriculum

Launch an Engaged Scholars Program in Maternal and Child Health through which any student can benefit from a targeted curriculum augmented by applied learning experiences with research institutes and community partners.

Assess Impact

Partner with colleagues in the School and across the University to assess the impact of environmental toxins on a broad range of health issues such as optimal neurodevelopment, healthy weight gain, and asthma.

Build a Policy & Research Incubator

Allocate transformational funding to establish a child health policy and research incubator, joining with state agencies and community partners to design and evaluate interventions that improve child health.

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